To financial data and the original bills of interrelated
Is there such a system can not only help companies manage financial data, and can turn to a variety of financial data associated with the management of the original notes. When the time to find these financial data, the system will automatically provide the original paper for inquiries.濡傛灉鎵惧埌涓?釜鍚堝悓鏂囨。鐨勬椂鍊欒兘鍚﹂┈涓婄煡閬撹繖涓悎鍚岀浉鍏崇殑鎵ц鎯呭喌濡備綍銆佸簲鏀跺簲浠樻儏鍐碉紵
閫氳繃e-cology鐨勭煡璇嗘枃妗g鐞嗘ā鍧楃鐞嗗悇绉嶇エ鎹拰鍚堝悓锛?br />
For example, when we receive customer telephone inquiries about invoice issue, we do not need to immediately go to the Finance Department, in the e-cology can immediately help you understand the situation of the relevant invoices, and entrance through the customer, the customer can even see to your invoice.
More importantly, all the e-cology and related saved file can be customers, suppliers, products, employees, financial transactions, inter-related projects and other instruments, so that we can therefore easily comprehensive understanding of Xin Xi.
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